Hay Equipments

Грабли с пальцевым колесом прицепного типа-OTT




Technical Specifications* Unit OTT 80 OTT 100 OTT 120
Number of Drums pcs 8 10 12
Diameter of Drums mm 1450 1450 1450
ft.in. 4'9" 4'9" 4'9"
Total Width mm 5800 6800 7800
ft.in. 19' 22' 25'7"
Total Length mm 5090 5265 5960
ft.in. 16'8" 17'3" 19'7"
Transport Height mm 2980 3325 3300
ft.in. 9'9" 10'11" 10'10"
Transport Width mm 2500 2500 2500
ft.in. 8'2" 8'2" 8'2"
Working Width mm 5400 6400 7400
ft.in. 17'9" 20'12" 24'3"
Number of Springs pcs 320 400 480
Required Power hp 30 40 50
Total Weight kg 600 667 737
Ibs 1322 1470 1624


Technical Specifications* Unit OTT 80-1 OTT 100-1 OTT 120-1
Number of Drums pcs 8+1 10+1 12+1
Diameter of Drums mm 1450 1450 1450
ft.in. 4'9" 4'9" 4'9"
Total Width mm 5800 6800 7800
ft.in. 19' 22' 25'7"
Total Length mm 5090 5265 5960
ft.in. 16'8" 17'3" 19'7"
Transport Height mm 2980 3325 3300
ft.in. 9'9" 10'11" 10'10"
Transport Width mm 2500 2500 2500
ft.in. 8'2" 8'2" 8'2"
Working Width mm 5400 6400 7400
ft.in. 17'9" 20'12" 24'3"
Number of Springs pcs 360 440 520
Central Wheel   Mechanical / Hydraulic
Required Power hp 30 40 50
Total Weight kg 630 700 765
Ibs 1388 1543 1686


agricultural machinery and farmer's needs...